Balancing Massage, Therapy, and Health



If you need to whip up a healthy snack quickly, but don't know what to make, you've come to the right place!

Here are some of our favorite healthy snacks!





Protein Balls
Ingredients: 1 cup rolled oats, ⅔ cup coconut shreds, ½ cup peanut butter (creamy), ½ cup ground flaxseed, ½ cup chocolate chips, ⅓ cup honey, t tsp vanilla extract, 1 tbsp chia seeds (optional).
Stir everything together in a large mixing bowl, then chill in the fridge for 1-2 hours. Roll into 1-inch balls and enjoy! They can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 week, or frozen up to 3 months.

Creamy Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie
Ingredients: 1 frozen banana, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 ½ cups almond milk, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder (substitute protein powder if desired), 2 tbsp peanut butter.
Blend all the ingredients together in your blender of choice & enjoy!

pexels trang doan 1099680Super Smoothie Bowl
Ingredients: 1 cup mixed berries (frozen), ice cubes, light coconut milk as needed, 1 handful of spinach, 1 tsp acai powder (optional), sweetener of your choice. Top with blueberries, coconut flakes, hemp seeds, or freeze dried strawberries.
Add as little coconut milk as possible so your smoothie stays thick. Blend ingredients until smooth and top with the ingredient of your choice!


Delicious Veggie Toastpexels daria shevtsova 1580464
Ingredients: baguette (sliced & toasted), hummus, avocado, tomato, curly kale finely chopped, shredded carrots, broccoli sprouts, olive oil, red wine vinegar, kosher salt. 
Begin by spreading the hummus on the toasted bread, then stack the avocado and tomato and add salt. Toss remaining ingredients together in a bowl with 2 tsp olive oil and 1 tsp red wine vinegar and add salt to taste. Add the salad on top of the toast and drizzle with olive oil. Yum!